Tuesday 3 May 2011

The Awkward Squad

One of the things that fascinates me about creative problem solving, is its contrary nature. 

For example, over the years I have run countless meetings and I rather pride myself in being quite good at keeping the meeting moving along, sticking to the agenda and getting input from all concerned.  One of the things that I think I am particularly good at, is not letting people wander off the point.  Every now and then someone will have bee in their bonnet about something and want to make a point that is not relevant.  I wish I had a pound for every time I said “we digress”, or “can we deal with that in ‘any other business’” -  I’m sure we all know people who have a bit of a reputation for wandering all over the place. 

This control works well for ‘process driven problems’ which are encountered at most meetings.  But when you need a creative solution to a problem, this is what you DON’T want.  A tight logical process is not helpful.   You want ideas that are not obviously relevant, because they might spark a better idea in someone else.

So, if you need a creative solution to a problem, invite all those people who find it impossible to stick to the point, disrupting peoples thought processes and not sticking to the point is exactly what you want. 

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