Normally, when you look for a solution to a problem, you search in sector defined as ‘Desirable and Possible’, this is logical, because these are the type of solutions you want.
But if you have a particularly difficult problem and you can’t find any solutions in that sector? Logic will not provide a solution.
Since this piece of paper represents ‘all solutions’, the only place you will find a solution (if one exists) is in one of the other sectors. The problem is that these are all undesirable and/or impossible. Therefore, you have two options,
- You can modify one of these unacceptable solutions in some way so as to move it into the desirable/possible sector, or
- You can do something to move either of the axes so that the solution becomes desirable or possible.
To do this you need to change are your assumptions, or the operating environment, etc.
Solutions mapping has a further benefit. If you are brainstorming for possible solutions, you place each one in the appropriate sector. As the session proceeds you will build up a map of the solutions you are getting and if you are not getting a similar number of undesirable/impossible solutions, you are not pushing the envelope sufficiently! Make sure you get many of these solutions,
- Because these are what provide breakthrough solutions.